The Academy

The Magic of Healing Herbs, Crystals, Mysticism & more

The Academy by Here on Earth

Learning Earth Magic


From the magic of healing plants to the wisdom of stones & crystals, mysticism, tarotdivination,

personal and spiritual development,

we cover a lot! 


Our classes are fun, provocative and very hands-on.

We have a full range of courses from free, bite size,

mid size and full blown intensive courses. 

Dive in!  


Practical magic with sensible concepts, the Academy teaches a variety of tools and skillsets you can rely on

to support your life's journey,

Here on Earth!




Experienced Instructors- Elders with a lifetime of experience and developed skills sets are available to help as you progress through your courses. 


Learn Lifeskills- learn how to become a Home Herbalist/ Green Witch able to competently deal with the general health of your family using natural remedies & therapies.  


Communicate with the Unseen Realms -by  using the Old ways of our ancestors with the Mystic courses of Tarot, Psychic Development and Communicating with Spirit Guides and lots more up-coming fun explorations into the mystic!  


  • Go at your own pace


  • Experienced teachers


  • An excellent mix of audio and written materials only available through the Academy 


  • Lots of hands on experience


  • Lifetime access to the course materials


  • PDF downloads of important course materials


  • Personal Mentorship available 


  • Self Sufficiency skills


  • Unique Fun Courses- for all of your Earth Majic needs!  



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Access all Courses + the Free Ones!


Have a Taste with a Free Course 

Into the Mystic


Herbal and Healing Courses


Healing Anxiety Naturally 

Therapies to help calm the mind, soothe the emotions and nourish the body.  Learn how herbs, flower essences, essential oils and relaxation therapies will help you in dealing with anxiety. 

Learn how easy it is to make salves!  Twenty to thirty salves recipes for arthritis, pain, burns, and so many more.   

Winter Wellness

Learn how to manage  Coughs, Cold, Flu, Sinus Issues  & more with herbs and natural remedies! 


Earth Medicine

Learn how & why herbs work to support your body's innate healing abilities.


The Language of Plants is a indepth study that guides you through your senses to learn about plants in a more profound way! This course offers old-time wisdom through practical hands-on experience.

Tummy Troubles 

How to maintain digestive health and assistance with common digestive issues

Coming Soon!


Crystal & Stone Courses


Personal Protection & Boundary

Grounding & Balancing 


Placement stones for the Home


Communication with other Earthly Realms


Manifesting & Prosperity


Spiritual & Psychic Awareness


Love & Relationships